Thursday, February 20, 2020

We have...

Stedsman and former champ Dan O'Brien giving "Money" needed advice... 

... a winner! Well, we have several winners in Bengal Bouts from Steds. Congratulations to all who got into the ring and give a whole lot more than just the old college go. But one bout that caught the eye of many was that of Matt "Money" Cyrs. Cyrs, Steds senior and 1st floor RA, was back in the ring this year after having to drop out last year at the last minute due to a broken thumb during practice. And those who were there to see him enter the ring were not disappointed. Going three rounds, Cyrs finally finished his competition by delivering a TKO early in the third round to the delight of his supporters. On Cyrs' win, Peter McKeon, Steds AR and armchair boxer, said, "One look at the steely complexion of one Matthew Cyrs, gave even the most courageous onlooker something new to fear. The question wasn’t “would” Cyrs win this fight, it was “how”. In a series of thudding exclamations, his Mac Truck of a right hand answered that question for everyone. Today we spell victory: C-Y-R-S!"


... while McKeon (far left) and friends congratulate our winner.