Tuesday, February 25, 2020

It’s a mess…

Yet another new building on the way

… across the way from St. Ed’s. With the demolition of Bronson Hall, the west side of Steds now looks out on the Dome and a huge construction pit. What is replacing the building that Fr. Sorin built? The Remick Family Hall. Adding more space the Institute for Education Initiatives and the Alliance for Catholic Education, the Remick Family Hall, when completed, will be not only pretty to look at but also bring an end to the incessant blipping and honking of horns from dump trucks, backhoes, excavators and what not all coming from that pit. On the construction going on to the west of campus, a Stedsman, who did not want to be identified, said, "I hope they will be good neighbors."

To learn more about the new building: click HERE.