Tuesday, January 21, 2020

It's snowing...

Not going out today...

... it's snowing... it's snowing! Yes, not having a shovelable snow since early November, it finally snowed... and I mean snowed. Having five to six inches dumped on campus, snow and cold temps once again returned to campus, causing students to don winter coats, hats, and gloves. Temperatures finally dropped below zero at night, and if that wasn't enough, then the freezing rain afterwards made everyone feel as if it was winter return with fury. While many did not venture out during the inclement weather and the rawest of elements, one brave soul, Frank Spesia, did. On his trekking to LaFortune for "bare necessities," he said, "The day a man cannot get a quarter dog in a blizzard is the day that this University lets me down... in a really big way."