Friday, December 20, 2019

It's all over...

Usher: on a three month vacation 

... and and smiles are in order. Smiles and much more for some Stedsmen. Of course, to the delight of all Stedsmen, Finals Week came to an end today, and there was no shortage of smiles in the hallways. But for some, smiles were just the tip of iceberg because they were moving on to better and, well, more exotic places. Yes, for some Spring Semester classes would not be here but rather somewhere around the world. One such person is Jack Usher, resident Wisconsinite and Glee Club member, who will take a brief leave from campus and head off to London. On his finishing Finals Week and started moving out of the Hall, Usher said, “I am relieved to have the fall semester under my belt and headed into the great study abroad. Surely, I will balance any studying I do with corresponding amounts of “abroading” and, of course, I will not rush back.”