Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A transformation...

Not SoHo just the Steds Art Gallery...

... has occurred in the Steds lobby. Normally reserved for important messages and announcements, one of the lobby's glass cabinets has been transformed into the Steds Art Gallery. Instead of dull black and white messages, colorful, vibrant, and expressive of works of Wabi Sabi art have a new home in the high traffic area of the Steds lobby. Fitting, certainly, but this display of abstract art has only added to ambiance and allure of Notre Dame's oldest and most storied residence hall. Still yet, it has offered a platform for aspiring artists of Blossfeld School as different pieces, with explanations, are posted each day. On seeing his art displayed, The Spirit of Walden, NY, Gavin Shust said, "I surprise myself at times... and this is one of those times."

... but you could think it is!