Saturday, November 16, 2019

Saturday Squirrel.

Meal time...

Our furry friends are really racking up the pounds as winter is fast approaching. With the recent snowfall and cold temps, our friends have received a reminder to put on some winter weight with earnest. So, whenever and wherever a meal can be found, our squirrels will stop and have a bite. And that's exactly what this squirrel did. Finding a meal in a tree, this squirrel didn't waste anytime devouring it. But there's more. This squirrel ate his meal in a various precarious place... a tree limb over St. Joseph's Lake! Be careful, or you'll be in the proverbial drink. On eating a meal in such a dangerous place, this squirrel non-verbaled, "Dare devil? Absolutely not. Just having a meal and enjoying the view!"

...and more