Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Keeping the...

Kilted Steds: a motley crew

... tradition alive. Yes, at the start of Founder's Week, the Stedsmen kept an old Steds tradition alive; a tradition that even predates the current rector. What is it? Yes, you guessed it- the tradition of "kilting." Along with some non-washable paint and a healthy measure of spirit, the Gentlemen fashioned for themselves kilts with fabric purchased from the local Hobby Lobby, and then, properly outfitted, they promptly headed off to the football prep rally. On the continuation of this beloved and cherished Steds tradition, Matt Coffey, resident Nebraska and Steds A Team goalie, shared, "Some people say the tradition of Kilting is older then Steds itself, dating back to Pottawatomie days- the native people of this region. All I know is nothing builds up hall spirit and unity like plaid skirts and body paint."