Tuesday, September 17, 2019

There's was much...

Gearing up for this Sunday

... preparing in the run up to the first home game last Saturday. In addition to Game Day festivities, there was an event held the Saturday BEFORE the first home home game at Ricci Fields that saw the Stedsmen trying out their own football skills. Again, with perfect weather, the Stedsmen played a friendly game which at one level only increased the anticipation for the upcoming New Mexico game but yet on another level was a great way for helpful Steds Hall players for the inter-hall league to  show off their skills before the team captains. And believe me, the captains were watching, and one captain, Josh Blossfeld, Steds RA and one of the organizers of the outing, was thoroughly impressed. On the footballing outing, Blossfeld said, "There were no broken bones, and I think we have a real chance of winning a game this year."