Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Best of...

...the Gentlemen's Monthly. Yes, roughly three years ago today, here was the posting. It is my most favorite posting! Enjoy this blast from the distance past.

The King is...

Farewell flame boilers... 

...dead. Sad, but true. Without any pageantry, not even a simple goodbye, the flame boilers of La Fortune's Burger King were unceremonious dumped on the back of a unmarked flatbed truck, whisking them away from campus to rest who knows where. With the Burger King now gone, Smash Burger, with its "fresh and healthy" options, will ascend to the open space at LaFun. On the passing of the Burger King, an unnamed student said, "It reminds me of King Richard III who was also unceremonious buried in the late 1400's. He was recently found in a parking lot in Leicester, England. So, I wonder where and when our Burger King will be found."