Friday, May 10, 2019

It was...

A traffic jam in the Steds parking lot

... time to go. With finals over, it was now time to pack and leave. For some Stedsmen, it was easier than for others for both packing and taking finals. Thinking ahead and planning paid off while waiting to the last minute, well, saw different results. Regardless of what boat they were in, summer now awaits everyone, affording all a break and respite from a busy and fast paced year. On completing his fails and being a free man, Steds freshman, Alex Morrison, said, "Move out day was one big yard sale with all the upperclassmen selling their fridges and posters for cheap. Most of the guys living off campus senior year will be back for floating next year, so it’s not a goodbye. It’s a "see-ya" later. Roll Steds." 

Still, for Steds moms, like Sarah Chapple, from Virginia, who was collecting her son, Josh, gridlock was found not on the interstate but rather in the backyard of Steds! On the gridlock, Mrs. Chapple, said, "The traffic here is worse than Northern Virginia!"