Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Good night...

Good bye Messrs. President and Vice President!

... and good luck! Yes, it was good bye and good luck to President Cole Edwards and Vice President Jack Barrett as their administration laid down the mantle of government, and as they did, the power vacuum created was immediately filled by the new administration of Gambardella, Merrick, and O'Brien. While it might sound like a law firm, it is actually the new Hall Government of St. Edward's Hall. With Josh "Gambo" Gambardella as President and Vice Presidents, Ben "Big Ben" Merrick and Dan "Pilgrim" O'Brien, on his left and right, the Gentlemen are in good and capable of hands. Still, the change of power was bittersweet. On their administration, Edwards and Barrett remarked, "Tremendous thanks goes out to our ND Day donors, Fr. Ralph, and the guys in Steds for enabling all of our goals and campaign promises to come to fruition. We've had an incredibly successful year and couldn't have made it possible without everyone's love for Steds."

Still yet, speaking on the condition of anonymity, a Steds resident said of the out going administration, "They were always for the kids, and that's how I will always remember them."