Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Thoughts from...

Digenan lime scootering in the City of Lights

... abroad. This spring semester has seen a record number of Stedsmen studying abroad. If you name a study abroad program, then we probably have a Stedsman there. No lie! Today, we have an update from the Dublin where Steds junior, Patrick Digenan, is busy studying. Oh, but don't worry! Digenan may be busy studying, but he is not so busy so as not to traipse about the continent. Taking a break from the books and Dublin, Digenan traveled to Paris, where he took in the sights with the help of something that he couldn't find at Notre Dame, a lime scooter. 

On his time in Europe, Digenan said, "Spending time in Europe has been amazing and enlightening. I’ve been exposed to a fascinating new world, one that’s full of cigarettes, bathrooms that cost money, and people that have a predisposition to not liking my American pride. If I’m lucky, I may even learn how to dress like the people over here. All jokes aside, I have been having a great time away and have gotten to see some very cool things. As much as I like Europe, Steds will always be my true home."

Well said Digenan. Well said indeed!