Thursday, February 7, 2019

To war!

The brave, the mulleted: Steds 2019

The few, the brave, the mulleted! Tonight, in the Flounge, many a brave and committed Stedsmen crafted their locks of hair into the iconic hairstyle of the 80's, the mullet. Often described as "business in the front, party in the back," the mullet has a power that no other hairstyle from 80's has... the power to take out malaria.

Our brave and mulleted boys have gone off to the front to once again battle a foe who wrecks havoc on so many across the globe. Armed with nothing more than a mullet and an effervescent spirit, these young men are doing all they can to vanish an enemy through raising funds for mosquito nets. On the seeing the mullets as well as the bravery on these men of St. Edward's, Joe Herlihy, Steds sophomore and commander of the fight, declared, "It is a proven fact college women find men with longer hair more attractive. Nothing is more intimidating than a man willing to sacrifice love and affection for such a good cause. Let their hair flow and pride swell until malaria is no more!"

To support our boys and do your part in stopping malaria, click HERE.

Support our boys!