Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Let the games...

To the victors, go the spoils... sandwiches

... of the Second Olympiad begin! The inter-hall games, with Steds competing against Sorin for the title of "oldest hall," started on Sunday. Dispensing with the opening ceremonies, the two residence halls got right down to business and to the first game... ping pong. Unfortunately, an official bracket was not used for tourney play as President Edwards and other Steds participants requested, and so, Steds "technically" lost as the game became a simple string of seven games. President Edward's assures me that this was the cause. But fear not... there are more games. 

Tonight, the games returned to Steds where an "epic game" of Pictionary was arranged. While Steds was present and ready to go for gold, Sorin was not. Matter of fact, they failed to show up! Still, in the spirit of the games, an epic game of Pictionary was played and more than enough Jimmy John sandwiches were had. On the second day of the games, Vice President Jack Barrett said, "Intimidated by the lexicon and creativity of my fellow Stedsmen, Sorin decided it was best to forfeit tonight. But we say let the games begin. Nothing can stop Steds!"