Thursday, November 30, 2017

What's cooking...

Sticha: A Michelangelo in his own right Ed's? Many things. We often focus on the faces and stories of Culinary Service Representatives, but it is important to note that behind every dedicated and beloved Ed’s Culinary Service Representative there is an even more dedicated and beloved “sandwich artist”. Being trained in the “ways of the sandwich,” the sandwich artist revels in his art to craft the proverbial piece de resistance of Ed’s… the panino. Ed’s has been blessed to have a sandwich artist who has not only years of training and expertise but also a good deal of creativity and vision to push Ed’s paninis to higher realms- realms that others said that could not be attained- of taste and satisfaction. Ed’s is blessed indeed to have John Sticha, Steds senior, as its sandwich artist. On what make his paninis better than those of on the campus Au Bon Pan, Sticha said, “While Au Bon Pain's sandwiches are certainly flavorful, each and every one of my hand-crafted paninis contains something ABP's don't: love. Loyal Ed's customers know I pour my heart and soul into each week's batches of Tegers and Herb Brooks. That's why they keep coming back.”