Thursday, October 19, 2017

The best kept...

Jack Ryan taking a corner kick...

...secret is that Steds is a soccer powerhouse. It started with Steds freshman Conal Fagan '21 walking onto the ND Men's Soccer Team, and it continued with the ND Men's Club Soccer Team which is full of Stedsmen. Yes, the Men's Club Soccer Team has the power and skill of Senior Jack Kill, Juniors Jack Kaspar and Jack Ryan Williams, AND Sophomore Christian Kirby. What can one say, but Steds is flush with Rinaldos! Recently, the ND Club Soccer Team took on Butler, securing a win of 3 to 1. Important to note, two of the three goals were scored by Stedsmen... Kill and Williams! Too bad they weren't with Team USA in Trinidad and Tobago! Okay, too soon, too soon. Still, something else that needs to be noted is that there is a small Steds fan support squad, composed of Juniors Chris Brady, Brook Meadowcroft, and Matt Lupo, that makes a vocal appearance at every game. With Stedsmen on and off the pitch, how can they lose?!

On playing club soccer, Williams said, “Club soccer has four excellent players representing St. Edward's Hall: Jack Kill, Jack Kaspar, Christian Kirby, and myself. The club soccer team is great group of guys who play in a competitive league against other universities in the Midwest simply because we love the game. It also prepares us for the inter-hall season. We hope to bring a championship to our great hall in the spring!”

On having support from off the pitch, Kirby said, “The support and enthusiasm from our fellow Stedsmen has been unparalleled this year. As the only Stedsman on the team not named Jack, I have seriously considered changing my name so our supporters’ iconic ‘JACK!’ chant can apply to myself as well. Their energy is just so inspiring that I have no choice but to change my name.”

On cheering his fellow Stedsmen on the pitch as a super fan, Meadowcroft said, “As club soccer super fans we wanted to make a sign for all three of St. Ed's "Jacks" on the team, but when we took our sign to Saturday’s Floating and it broke in half, we realized our destiny and incorporated our other Stedsman on the team, not named as the other three but nevertheless beloved, Christian Kirby a.k.a. CK!”

The Cheer Squad of Lupo, Brady, and Meadowcroft