Thursday, September 21, 2017

Oh no...

Fr. President: Paint over this mural!

Gavin and Debbie Ryan, Steds parents of Brandon Ryan, were recently breakfasting at Sorin’s at the Morris Inn, and amid their meal, Gavin admired the murals on the walls of the restaurant. As he did, he noticed something peculiar. And his suspicions were right… there was something peculiar and terribly wrong with the mural.  The mural, depicting Notre Dame in 1890, was factually inaccurate as it was missing the oldest residence hall, St. Edwards Hall, that was established in 1882!  Adding insult to injury, Sorin Hall is shown on another part of the mural, and as we all know, it was built LONG AFTER Steds.  On this error, Gavin said, “At least Zahm is omitted,” while Fr. Ralph said, “This is incredulous, and I think President Emeritus, Fr. Monk Malloy of Sorin, should rectify this egregious error immediately."