Thursday, September 14, 2017

It was a night of...

Steds Bowling: Winners and Losers are all smiles

strikes, spares, and unfortunately, gutter balls. After a busy weekend of football, those who didn't have a Gen Chem test on Tuesday took a rest from their labors and went bowling. But what started out as a gentlemenly pursuit, bowling with one's fellow gentlemen, quickly and quietly turned into a no holds barred competition, pitting residents against Hall Staff. Obliging their juniors, the Hall Staff, including Fr. Ralph, rose to the occasion pulling out all and any stops out to politely put their young upstarts in their place. Steds senior and RA, Jack Kill, bagged a turkey, three strikes in a row, while fellow senior and RA, Patrick Yerkes, bowled the high game of the evening. And Fr. Ralph was no slouch himself, bowling a respectful 140. On being routed by the Hall Staff, Josh Gambardella, Steds freshman and gracious loser, said, "You know, the Hall Staff didn't strike me as a group of athletes, but as it turns out they have talent to spare." Folks, well said, and what a wordsmith that Josh is...

On bagging his first ever turkey, Kill said, "Never in my life had I bowled two strikes in a row, so I thought three would be out of the question. But hey, clear eyes, full heart, can't lose! Gobble gobble."

Kill: The real winner of the evening