Monday, January 2, 2017

Best of...

...the Gentlemen's Monthly. What can I say, but this posting is still good after THREE YEARS. Yes, three years ago today, here was today's posting. Enjoy this blast from the past!

Coach PM’s (second from right) “softer side”

Not to forget the other co-captain of the Saint Edward’s Hall Football Gentlemen, we take a moment to listen to Coach Paul “PM” Rodriguez. Embracing the same coaching philosophy as his co-captain, a philosophy of retaining absolute control of the team at all times, crushing any dissent, Coach PM maintained a united front, enforcing discipline and exacting results from players.

With Coach PM’s tutelage, players learned:

            -The refs are always wrong.

            -Never punt, unless you have to.

            -Practice is for the professionals.

            -Winning is overrated.

Pithy, yet concise… wise words for us all.