Thursday, December 8, 2016

Mission Accomplished.

For the kids!

When all seemed lost and Christmas going to be a lot less merry and bright, the Gentlemen rallied raising a staggering $1,065 for the Hall's Christmas kids in one week's time. So much was donated from current and past Gentlemen that there were not enough ornaments and light strands for those who donated to decorate with! Under the direction of Jack Kaspar, the Gentlemen will go shopping later today with the wrapping of gifts happening next week. On the success, Dan Delfico, Steds freshman and Jersey native, said, "Hitting our giving goal was very important for us because we really do make Christmas a reality for the eight kids we adopted as a Hall. We may have started a little slow, but a strong rally on the final night to actually exceed our goal showed the generosity and community strength of St. Edward's Hall."  Still yet, fellow Jersite and Steds junior, Joe Sierotko, said, "At St. Ed's, the spirit of Christmas is visible in our halls and manifested in our hearts. In true St. Ed's fashion, we achieved beyond expectation and collectively contributed to provide children in need with joy. It's all about giving the kids the best Christmas possible!" Indeed, Joe... indeed!