Monday, November 28, 2016

It just wouldn't be...

Roman and Perpetua

...Christmas without a Christmas tree. Indeed, it wouldn't! So, with the help of the Hall's Assistant Rectors, Tom Roman (pictured above) and Douglas Barnard, the Hall's Christmas tree made its arrival. In short order, the comely tree took up residence in the chapel, adding its beautiful pine fragrance to the sacred place. On the Christmas tree's arrival, Roman said, “When my gaze first set upon this noble tree, I couldn’t help but shed a tear. Not even the giant redwoods of California could rival this tree’s majesty, its grandeur, or its sublimity. I name this tree Perpetua. Not only will its branches remain ever green, but its presence will remain ever in our hearts.”

Here's a view Perpetua in the St. Ed's chapel...

...and looking pretty bare.