Thursday, November 17, 2016


How long will the new microwave last?

...we have a problem. Yes, there was a huge problem recently in the second floor Gregorian study lounge. It appears that a freshman was unaware that he needed to add water to the bowl of Easy Mac & Cheese that he was cooking in the room's microwave. Suffice it to say, the smell of burnt "Easy Mac," let alone melted plastic, was stifling and overwhelming so much so that the room had to be abandoned for a couple of days and the microwave thrown away in a dumpster. Yes, that's right... a new microwave had to be purchased. On the recent cooking accident, Andrew Wentzel, Steds junior said, "Well, at least I'm not the reason it stinks in there anymore," while his roommate, Alex Cervantez, said, "Having to leave the Greg because of the awful smell was detrimental in so many ways. I understand everyone makes mistakes, but how do you mess up 'Easy Mac"? They put the word 'EASY" in the name for crying out loud." Still yet, an unnamed Stedsman, said, "Freshmen."