Wednesday, August 31, 2016

On the go...

Weltner goes to Tokyo

...and around the world! One thing that our viewers may have noticed is that Stedsmen are always on the go... here, there and everywhere. It all starts when they study abroad, and it only continues as they as they matriculate and graduate. That's certainly the case for Stedsman Bobby Weltner '14, who, during a recent lull at work, decide to hop a plane to Toyko... because that's what you do when you have a lull at work. On traveling by himself to Japan, Weltner said, "For some people, the thought of traveling alone in an Eastern country is scary, but given the accommodations that the Japanese make for English speakers, I found the experience to be quite manageable and very enjoyable. And fortunately, as a 6'4" Westerner, I felt well prepared to defend myself if I ever turned down the wrong street - only the statues rivaled me in height."