Thursday, May 14, 2015

The secret to a great...

Enjoying the surf and sand of Lake Michigan

...residence hall at Notre Dame is the hall staff. Without doubt, St. Edward's Hall is what it is because of its staff. The staff makes up for the failings and foibles of its rector, gives attention to the smallest concern or problem of residents, does what everyone enjoys but no one wants to do, imparts wisdom to the ignorant, and in the process, draws everyone up as they rise to the occasion to serve to King and Hall. This year's staff, Grant Schertzing (AR), Andrew Borchert (RA), Daniel Wrapp (RA), Neil Sielski (RA), Spencer Edman (RA), Joe Scollan (RA), and A.J. Tablada (AR), have indeed done just that and more. On enjoying the final staff outting to Lake Michigan, Grant Schertzing, soon-to-be lawyer and rarely quoted AR, said, "It was just a perfect day on the Lake. Sure, the overcast sky obscured our views of Milwaukee and Chicago, but that just helped us to focus purely on Michigan," while Neil Sielski, architect of St. Edward's e-communication systems, said, "Despite the less than summer weather, it was 'fun in the sun'. My people were made for the cold, but it doesn't stop us from enjoying the beach and surf." Oh yes, Neil took a plunge in the frigid waters of Lake Michigan!

Of the outgoing staff, Fr. Ralph said, "I thank them for all that is, all that has been, and all that is yet to come!"