Thursday, May 7, 2015

Get him out...

Hang on John...

...of there! If Monday of Finals' Week didn't have enough drama, the meltdown of the Sted's elevator provided plenty. At roughly 3:18pm, John Rutkowski was trapped in the elevator as he attempted to go to the 4th floor. Within minutes, NDFD was on the scene and immediately went to work freeing the Sted's sophomore. Instead of writing more, watch it unfold from BOTH the outside AND inside the elevator.

We see the problem...

Smiles and relief...

And now from John's view....

On being freed from his elevator incarceration, John said, "Minutes turned into hours, hours to days, and days to weeks. I forgot the sweet touch of the sun and the even sweeter embrace of my dear Stedsmen. But finally, when I was in my darkest hour, a blinding light came in and the faces of several of Notre Dame's finest burst in wielding sledgehammers and blowtorches. I was free at last!" 

There you have it folks... the drama that was Monday of Finals' Week at Sted's!